Thursday, September 25, 2008

Spiritual Experience

Because I don't want to quote to extensively, I'll explain some of the background first. There is a discussion between Krishnamurti and a man who had had an experience with a vision of a man in monk's clothes. The vision somehow did not leave him, and he asked Krishnamurti about its significance. [editor Katinka Hesselink Net]
K: Let us go back to your original question. Was the figure self-projected, or did it come into being uninfluenced by you? Was it independent of you? Consciousness is a complicated affair, and it would be foolish to give a definite answer, would it not? But one can see that recognition is based on a conditioning of the mind. You had studied Buddhism, and as you said, it had impressed you more than any other religion, so the conditioning process had taken place. That conditioning may have projected the figure, even though the conscious mind was occupied with a wholly different matter. Also, your mind being made acute and sensitive by the way of your life, and by the discussion you were having with your friends, perhaps you 'saw' thought clothed in a Buddhist form, as another might 'see' it in a Christian form. But whether it was self-projected or otherwise, is not of vital importance, is it?
"Perhaps not, but it has shown me a great deal."
K: Has it? It did not reveal to you the working of your own mind, and you became a prisoner to that experience. All experience has significance when with it there comes self-knowledge, which is the only releasing or integrating factor; but without self-knowledge, experience is a burden leading to every kind of illusion.

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